Autumn property maintenance tips for tenants


Posted on Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Autumn property maintenance tips for tenants

With Autumn now here and the weather getting cooler it is a good time if you haven’t already to put your heating on and check everything is working as it should. If your heating isn’t coming on, please check the following.

-        Boiler setting is set to ‘heating & hot water’

-        The pressure is at approximately 1.5

-        The valves to the radiators are turned on and radiators have been bled

-        The wall thermostat is set higher than the inside temperature

It is also very common at this time of year to experience increased condensation within the property, very commonly this will appear on the windows. Please see our below tips to help reduce the levels of condensation within the property.

-        Regularly ventilate rooms by opening windows, a great time to do this is in the morning before you go to work.

-        If you are waking up to condensation on the windows, ensure this is wiped away, there are many window vacs on the market that can make this a quick and easy job.

-        Please use extractor fans where provided and leave them running for 15-20 minutes after cooking/showering. Where there are no fans present open the windows to allow the moisture to escape.

-        Avoid hanging wet clothes on radiators or hanging round the property. Where possible dry outside, in a launderette or use a vented tumble dryer. If they must be dried indoors a good place is in the bathroom with either the fan on or window left open with the door closed.

-        Ensure adequate heating to all rooms, particularly bedrooms.

-        Allow a gap between furniture and external walls to allow the air to circulate.

-        Lastly should any black mould appear please clean away immediately with an anti mould solution, leaving it will allow it to grow and become a bigger issue

A final tip is to check all the gutters to ensure they are not blocked. They are best checked whilst it is raining, the rainwater should be going into the gutters and down the down pipe. Please contact the maintenance team should you suspect any blockage or if any water is cascading down the property as this can lead to damp.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding any of the above please contact the maintenance department at or call us on 01423 501211 and select option 2.
